Blog: Exploring Climate Change and Transformation in the Exhibition Project Flora Fauna Habitat 2024 by Artist Florian Reckert

by Florian Reckert // 1 Files //  



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Deputy Director Prof. Dr. Karen Wiltshire, Head of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Helgoland & Sylt, Professor at Kiel University and artist Florian Reckert, Director of the Institute for Artistic Research and Transformation (I*ART), held a conversation on 24 May 2023 that built a bridge between art, science and environmental awareness. This dialogue also laid the foundation for the upcoming exhibition project Flora Fauna Habitat (FFH) by Florian Reckert, one of the last indigenous people born in List on Sylt, which will take place in Hamburg and North Friesland, among other places, in 2024.

Flora Fauna Habitat is an ambitious artistic project curated by the ornithologist Florian Reckert that deals with the profound effects of climate change on coastal ecosystems. Through a wide range of artistic means, including installations, sculptures, photography and film works, the exhibition aims to immerse visitors in a thought-provoking sensory experience.

Karen Wiltshire's expertise in coastal systems and climate change has been instrumental in shaping the thematic focus of the exhibition. Her insights provide a scientific basis for the artists to convey the complexity of climate change and its impact on Sylt's coastal regions.

The artworks shown in Flora Fauna Habitat aim to highlight the delicate balance between human activities and the natural environment. They explore the fragility of coastal habitats, the interconnectedness of species and the transformative power of adaptation. Through engagement with the artworks, visitors are encouraged to reflect on their own relationship with the environment and consider the actions required for its conservation.

At the heart of the exhibition is the aim to promote dialogue and inspire action. Through panel discussions, workshops and educational programmes, Flora Fauna Habitat aims to empower individuals to make informed choices and collectively contribute to the protection of coastal ecosystems. By integrating art, science and public engagement, the exhibition aims to create a lasting impact on both a personal and societal level.

In a world struggling with environmental uncertainty, Flora Fauna Habitat serves as a catalyst to deepen our connection to nature, promote sustainable practices and support a collective commitment to conserve our coastal ecosystems. The captivating artworks in the exhibition invite visitors to embark on a transformative journey towards a more harmonious and sustainable future.

IMAGE // Karen Wiltshire (left) meets Florian Reckert (right background) to talk about climate change, transformation and art.

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