News // 1 News by Katrin Grün

featured by NERGER M&O : #EveryReasonGoodEnough - Julia ZOOOI c/o NERGER M&O photographs the revolutionary RECUP campaign

RECUP stands for food and beverages to-go – without single-use waste. RECUP and REBOWL are Germany’s largest reusable packaging system for food service businesses. The Munich-based start-up reCup GmbH led by Fabian Eckert, Christian Kraus and Florian Pachaly hopes for and is banking on the great revolution : “Every revolution starts with a spark. Our REvolution was fueled by overflowing trash cans and towers of paper cups. It will only be extinguished when disposable items are completely superfluous and action has evolved from a revolutionary idea into an indispensable, sustainable requirement.”

Join now and be a part of it!

Why a REvolution? “There are 13 billion good reasons why. That is the number of disposable cups and packaging consumed in Germany every year in the to-go sector. Each RECUP can replace up to 1,000 disposable cups.”

The RECUP campaign motifs presented here were photographed by Julia ZOOOI c/o NERGER M&O for the agency House of Communication / Serviceplan Group with account management by Milena Fischer and Katrin Grün in art buying.

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21.02.2023 show complete article