aer / Michael Bartenstein

Founder & CEO

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blog Waste to wonder - the future of personal and home care, meet AER on GoSee.NEWS

Following the product revolution, we bring to you the packaging revolution with the first food to foil process in the field of personal care.

Since day 1, we have been keen to package our home and personal care products in a way that reduces any impact on the environment. For us, the streamlining and mere elimination of packaging form part of the quality of each of our products. That being said, it’s not always easy, but the conviction and passion for testing the limitations of science as part of our product innovations is what drives us forward and results in unique and superior experiences for you. Obviously, we do not possess the big R&D budgets of the giants we aim to outpace. However, with determination we continue to push the boundaries, looking for more ways we can incorporate sustainability into our daily lives without disrupting our busy schedules.

Now, we are one step closer to launching the biggest packaging innovation yet. What might look like a mere foil is so...

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