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MOBILITY IS KEY - Take part in our GoSeeAWARDS 25 and let your portfolio be viewed by art buyers, art producers, direct clients, ... !

How do you take part? And it's free? Simply log into your GoSeeACCOUNT and click on the golden banner in your ADMIN... then follow the really simple instructions and that's it !

Deadline is April 25th, 2025

Good luck!

Ich bin einfach nur da. Und das ist gut so.

Hey zusammen,
es ist soweit: Am Donnerstag, den 27. Februar 2025, feiern wir die Premiere unseres neuen Dokumentarfilms "Ich bin einfach nur da. Und das ist gut so."auf der großen Leinwand!
Und weil doppelt besser ist, gibt’s oben drauf noch "Gastrogötter", einen Hammer-Film von Philipp Straetker (Regie) und David Benke (Drehbuch). Zwei Filme, ganz unterschiedliche Vibes, beide garantiert sehenswert.
Dazu? Köstlichkeiten vom Feinsten! Tobias Foellbach von Chef's Kitchen sorgt für die perfekten kulinarischen Highlights. Film und Food – was will man mehr?

Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick: Wann: Donnerstag, 27.02.2025
Einlass ab 18:30 Uhr, Filmstart um 20:00 Uhr
Wo: Chef's Kitchen, Fritz-Endres-Str. 4, 81373 München
Eintritt: 15€ (Screen & Dine)
Tickets sichern:

Klingt gut? Dann kommt rum! Wir freuen uns auf einen entspannten Abend mit euch.



JET SET - Milano - New York - is a production company that combines the best people with the smartest technology to build an engine that consistently fuels creativity : "We develop, produce and line produce commercial videos, photo shoots with a distinctive style. Based in Milan but we are able to produce content at the speed and scale of consumer demand, with reduced costs due to our skilled local teams all around the world. Every project is unique. It's allabout your vision, your message, your budget."


GoSee : UPDATE.Salon


PR ON THE GO Masterclass with beauty PR expert Nicole Pearl

Calling all creative entrepreneurs in the lifestyle space, to learn from THE ULTIMATE Beauty Journalist, On-Air Beauty Expert and PR & Media Coach. Nicole Pearl, aka The Beauty Girl, will be teaching a masterclass with PR ON THE GO specializing on How to Show Up On Social Media to Attract Publicity!

This 90 minute class will show you the ropes to efficiently attract press through building your personal brand, tips to consider when creating IG and Website to generate buzz, and the DOs and DON'TS when trying to grow your visibility. You will get to look into specific examples and takeaways from Nicole's case study as well! Learn “PR without a price tag,” maximizing this course so you can reach the right people appropriately without paying as much as you need to!

PR and use of SMART social media is all about communicating strategically and let's admit it, sometimes it can be hard to narrow it down to the right algorithm and what the process is all on your own. A lot of us tend to have the brand and vision, but just not all the right tools and connections to make that vision...


Welcome to LOVELY! Productions - Ibza - Mallorca - Berlin. At LOVELY!, we believe that the best results come from joyful collaborations. Our skilled and service-oriented team is dedicated to making the production process fast, easy, and with a positive mindset! When you smile, we smile, and that sets the tone for everything we do.

With over 15 years of international experience, we specialise in fashion and lifestyle, providing premier services in the idyllic islands of Ibiza and Mallorca and the cityscape of Berlin. This combination gives you the best of both worlds for your next campaign. Some wonderful brands we’ve had the pleasure to collaborate with include Zara, H&M, Massimo Dutti, Nordstrom, Louis Vuitton, Under Armour Harvey Nichols and many more...

We would love to work with and create something beautiful together.

Meet STÖVER ARTISTS as exhibitor at UPDATE-25-BERLIN

stöver artists represents a selection of highly talented and uniquely visionary artists who play leading roles in the fields of editorial, advertising and videography.

The agency offers a full range of services including creative consulting, photo production, organization, casting, cost control and special project development. For further details and information please contact our office.

Meet stöver artists as exhbitor at UPDATE.Salon - 16 May 2025 . Telegraphenamt . Berlin-Mitte

GoSee : UPDATE.Salon

Already 20 agencies and counting : UPDATE 25 BERLIN ..... we will meet you on May 16th at TELEGRAPHENAMT, Berlin-Mitte

UPDATE is the established event where photo agents, photographers, film productions, HMS, illustration, post-production, creative services .... meet ADs, CDs, ABs, direct customers and many more.

A day full of conversations, emotions, impressions, .... and above all artwork. Inspiration lurks around every corner, in every corridor. A feast for your eyes and your creative soul. The perfect location is once again the Berlin Telegraphenamt, über-centrally located in Berlin-Mitte.

If you want to come as an exhibitor you can simply send us an email: As a visitor you can register directly via the site : UPDATE.Salon.

We are looking forward to seeing you !



Marlene Ohlsson has been passionate about photography since childhood and initially travelled the world as a photographer’s assistant after having studied photography. She spent some time in Paris before she became an agent in Hamburg, Germany with a branch in Paris.

With a curated portfolio of international, exceptional image-makers and the experience of more than 20 years, she is one of the most sought-after agents today. In addition to a roster of outstanding artists, Marlene Ohlsson agency provides full production service for your photo and video production.

Depending on your budget and your needs, she will assemble the most suitable team for you, coordinating your production perfectly with german efficiency.

Meet her in person in Berlin at UPDATE.Salon