Bridgeman Images / Achim Kathan

Business Development Executive

Stock Agency
Berlin, London

Bridgeman Images / Achim Kathan

Business Development Executive

Stock Agency

Barbarossastr. 39, DE, 10779, Berlin Berlin, London


With images from over 8,000 collections and more than 29,000 artists, we represent international museums, galleries and artists by providing a central source of fine art for image users. Founded in 1972, the Bridgeman Art Library works with museums, art galleries and artists to make the best ...moreart available for reproduction. The result is an outstanding archive of images drawn from collections throughout the world, all of which are available for licensing.

Every subject, concept, style and medium is represented, from the masterpieces of national museums to the hidden treasures of private collections. Fine art is just one of the sources of images; design, antiques, maps, architecture, furniture, glass, ceramics, anthropological artefacts and many others also feature in the collection.

We aim to make these images accessible for every user; each one has been catalogued with full picture data and key-worded to make searching easy, even for those with little art knowledge. Our website allows you to explore the collection in depth with quick and advanced search facilities. We also provide a full research service whereby our expert researchers can select images to suit your requirements.

Many further images are available offline through our four offices in London, Paris, New York and Berlin and the archive is constantly growing; our team of specialists continue to search the art collections of the world to find new and exciting images for you to use.
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