06.05.2024  •  Advertising NEWS


Furuvik Lightning & BAMSES VÄRLD with eye-catching motifs by Sven PRIM c/o Agent Molly & Co

For the spectacular Furuvik Lightning roller-coaster in Sweden’s FURUVIK amusement park, Sven PRIM created breathtaking motifs. And Sven’s colorful imagery was also used for the equally colorful children’s favorite BAMSES VÄRLD, home of the little bear Bamses.

Long before AI, Sven PRIM began his career as a photographer who retouched his images. In a time, when most photographers were dependent upon outsourcing their retouch work, Sven dove head-first into the Swedish advertising scene after graduating from photography school and made a name for himself as a one-stop shop in advertising photography. Since that time, he has worked with a long list of renowned clients such as ATG, Aftonbladet, RFSU and Polar Music Prize. Many years later, Sven grew frustrated with the limitations of the relatively simple technology combination camera and photoshop. He immersed himself in the world of CGI and immediately fell in love with it. Adding such a powerful tool to his utility belt, he knew that from that moment on, everything would be possible.
GoSee : agentmolly.com

Sven Prim c/o AGENT MOLLY & CO

Sven Prim c/o AGENT MOLLY & CO

Sven Prim c/o AGENT MOLLY & CO

Sven Prim c/o AGENT MOLLY & CO

Sven Prim c/o AGENT MOLLY & CO

Sven Prim c/o AGENT MOLLY & CO