Are you hobbyless, too? The two YouTubers and Internet stars, Rezo and Julien Bam, have just launched their podcast career. In cooperation with Spotify Studios, they created the podcast ‘Hobbyless’ for which the two of them talk about events on the net. Harald SCHAACK c/o BOSCHTOBANRAP portrayed them both for the accompanying advertising campaign, with production taken care of by analog/digital. Special styling came from Petra Kratzheller c/o LIGAWEST, and the spacey CGI background was created by
Which hashtag challenge is the latest trend? Which videos are number one on YouTube, and which political topics are all over the Internet? Whether TikTok or Instagram, whether gossip or political talk, in the new Spotify original podcast ‘Hobbyless’, Rezo and Julien shed light weekly on the hottest topics of communities in the social web.
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