08.03.2024  •  Agencies NEWS


NEW : SAUVAGE.TV, a multi-awarded creative production, post-production house & talent agency founded in Barcelona - meet SAUVAGE.TV as an exhibitor at UPDATE-24-BERLIN



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SAUVAGE.TV, a multi-awarded creative production and post-production house as well as talent agency founded in Barcelona in 2015, are specialized in bringing to life projects that unite live action, animation and VFX. With Director Ernest Desumbila from Barcelona and Eva Laffitte as CEO and Executive Producer, it comes as no surprise that creativity, storytelling and a passion for graphic culture are the driving forces behind this production company. Their 360º creative process covers everything from initial idea to the final result on the screen – while in-house post-production paired with animation gives them their distinctive touch. They have shot with world sports stars such as Messi and Ronaldinho as well as music and film stars such as Nathy Peluso or actress Nathalie Emmanuelle from ‘Game of Thrones’.

Still a young company, SAUVAGE.TV’s broad international scope has nonetheless led them to work with clients such as Nike, Coca-Cola, adidas, Riot Games, Gatorade or Columbia Records while continuing to grow.

Together they have created iconic audiovisual masterpieces with a cult-like following : “Although it’s not our main goal, many SAUVAGE.TV films go crazy viral, adding up to billions of plays. Just a coincidence? We don’t think so. It is the result of the passion we invest in each project and the creative ideas that emerge from each one of them. We love all kinds of VFX techniques because SAUVAGE.TV is the merging of different talent – united under the same vision and sharing the same goal: to reach further, be more striking and go over the top.”

Crazy, you think? Impossible, you said? Looks like a job for SAUVAGE.TV. …

Meet the SAUVAGE.TV team at UPDATE-24-BERLIN !

GoSee : sauvage.tv