Traveling, arriving, departing, seeing the world, going on vacation, doing the latest travel thing, business travel, space travel… hiking, immigrating, emigrating, hiking to, hiking fro, finally reaching a destination, staying a while, ahh…resting, and then getting going again… with illustrations by Kathrin FRANK, Valerie TIEFENBACHER, Blagovesta BAKARDJIEVA, Irene SACKMANN, Alex NEMEC, Magdalena WOLF, Clara BERLINSKI, Kat J. WEISS, Artur BODENSTEIN, Nicloas AZNAREZ, Merle SCHEWE, Sarah EGBERT EIERSHOLT, Gina MÜLLER, Stefanie HILGARTH, Myriam HEINZEL, Eva VASARI, Claudia MEITERT, Christina MÜHLHÖFER, Tibo EXENBERGER … all in preparation of UPDATE 22 in Berlin !
“We look forward to saying hello at our booth and can’t wait to hear the stories from your journey or get a chance to talk face to face about how you’ve been doing in these turbulent times!” Caroline Seidler, CEO of THE AMBASSADOR OF ILLUSTRATION – CAROLINESEIDLER.COM.
GoSee : UPDATE.Salon &