Star musician Róisín Murphy is taking the world by storm on a world tour at the moment – not only with her music, but also thanks to breathtaking photos. Brought on board for the cover shot of IBIZA STYLE Magazine was none other than Christian Angerer – known for one of his greatest passions: cinematic photography. His work with models, Hollywood stars and music legends has made him a staple in the world of celebrity photography.
Publisher of the magazine, Mart Storck, and Angelica Stenvinkel, a London-based stylist, came up with the idea for the collaboration with Róisín Murphy. Christian staged the singer in spectacular scenes – leaving legendary Hotel Mongibello Ibiza on horseback, spraying champagne exuberantly on a rooftop, lying on a piano with cocktail in hand, watching everything through a newspaper, ….
Needless to say, the photos became the most successful posts on Róisín Murphy’s Instagram account in no time. She writes, utterly thrilled about the collaboration : “One of the most amazing shoots I have ever done – even included a horse!”
The magazine also contains a multipage story on the star photographer, and we have an excerpt: “What does it take to be an exceptional photographer? There are many talented photographers in our industry who have a good eye and a razor-sharp focus. But what is that special something that turns a photograph into a story? Perhaps it’s the ability to make the person in front of the lens feel comfortable and open up, to bring out their true personality and make it shine. Precisely what Christian Angerer achieves with his straighforward, empathetic and respectful personality.”
Christian creates a storyboard for every shoot and explains: “I don’t like it when actors or models just pose in a boring way. I want to tell a story with every picture I take that captivates you. A plot. The challenge with cinematic photography is to capture a story in just one shot. Just a single moment, a brief instant that you paint with light and shadow – that’s the magic.”
Although he works in this industry, Christian loves tranquility and proximity to nature – which he enjoys on his visits to the Balearic Islands, particularly Formentera, which has a very special place in his heart.
“I love the peace and seclusion. Even if you are working a 65-hour week, you can get up early in the morning and go for a run on the beach. Here, you are really close to nature, and therefore, close to yourself. For me, this seclusion is the real luxury,” Christian tells us.
Christian Angerer will be on the road a lot in the months to come: Munich, Duisburg, the forbidden island of Wustrow, New York City, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Formentera, Paris, and Cape Town. Each of which a new canvas for Chistian to create his cinematic masterpieces.