In the Summer 2024 issue of WONDERLAND MAGAZINE, the Upside Down’s posterboy JOE KEERY, who has meanwhile risen to the ranks of an indie-pop god, chats with co-star Jon Hamm about the series ‘Fargo’, the power of social media virality, and filming the last season of ‘Stranger Things’. Photographer & Director Ben RAYNER c/o B&A REPS GERMANY photographed him for the cover story.
Joe Keery is an American actor and musician known internationally for his role as Steve Harrington in the science-fiction mystery series ‘Stranger Things’. For his music, he goes by the moniker Djo.
#joekeery @djotime for @wonderlandmag
Photographer / Director @benrayner
DP and Edit @devan_davies
Styling @nicholasmackinnon
Grooming @lailalhayani
Retouching by @emre_duymaz / @emretouch
Thanks @bencrankbencrank @charlottejmorton
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