Simone SCHNEIDER c/o ANDREA HEBERGER presents a stylish take on the topic of suffragettes together with silver-aged charismatic beauty Eulalia c/o Brodybookings.
Suffragette is the term used to describe the women who fought for their right to vote in England more than 100 hundred years ago. New Zealand was the first country to allow universal women's suffrage in 1893. In Germany, women’s voting rights were introduced in 1918, and in Switzerland, it wasn’t until 1971.
Thanks to the film classic Mary Poppins from the year 1964, featuring the song ‘Sister Suffragette’, the suffragettes are still known to children to this day.
Styling Irmela Schwengler
Hair & Makeup Katja Luz
Model Eulalia c/o Brodybookings
Photographer Simone Schneider c/o ANDREA HEBERGER GmbH
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