Marco KLAHOLD c/o BOSCHTOBANRAP photographed a spread for the agency Loved and the fashion client CLOCKHOUSE.
Marco produced for it with the production company Carolin, Executive Producer Jonas Nathanael David, Junior Producer Jonas, Art Director Julia-Christin Holtz, assistant Kilian Amrehn, hair & makeup artist Taii Tina Schmoll c/o NINA KLEIN and Anschi Urban c/o LIGAWEST, stylist Madeleine Kropp as well as models Fausto Sylvester, Cara Bregazzi and Rosana Ozgul.
GoSee :
Production Carolin
Advertising Agency loved GmbH
Art Director Julia-Christin Holtz
Producer Jonas Borgloh
Styling Madeleine Kropp
Hair & Make-up Tina Taii Schmoll c/o Nina Klein
Model Fausto Sylvester
Model Cara Bregazzi
Model Rosana Ozgul
Photographer Marco Klahold c/o BOSCHtoBANRAP
ASSISTANT Kilian Amrehn
HAIR & MAKEUP Anschi Urbas c/o Ligawest
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Jonas Nathanael David
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