Riches is a British drama TV series by Abby Ajayi with Deborah Ayorinde, Hugh Quarshie and Sarah Niles about a well-to-do family which is faced with a tragic event : During his lifetime, self-made man Stephen Richards built a cosmetics empire and became an advocate for Black entrepreneurs. Following a fatal heart attack, a bitter fight for control of his empire breaks out in his family. The secrets of the family are revealed – and the life of his children from two marriages begin to fall apart.
“Working with our client Prime Video & Amazon Studios on their OOH campaign rollout for the upcoming drama series ‘Riches’. Big thanks to the lovely folks at Direct Edge Media for the printing!” STANLEY’S POST.
All six episodes of the co-production between the British TV broadcaster ITV and Prime Video debuted on 2 December, 2022, on Prime Video, in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Scandinavia and sub-Saharan Africa, as well as on 22 December, 2022, on ITVX in the UK.
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