Soft, mild, sensual! An infinite landscape park before the first hay harvest, a geometric wonder in winter and when 200 000 cider pear trees are in blossom – pure magic. Multiple award-winning photographer Lois Lammerhuber and acclaimed author Evelyn Schlag take readers on a journey to a landscape of harmonious superlatives – full of poetry and geometric patterns, plus the seasons as sights you just have to see.
This magic world of soft, green hills, a white ocean of thousands upon thousands cider trees in blossom, and farms resembling castles: Not just a fairy tale – the most beautiful landscape in the world. It's located in Lower Austria and is called the Mostviertel region. Author Evelyn Schlag and photographer Lois Lammerhuber have the proof.
For several years, the author and photographer have followed the same route of only 56 kilometers again and again, which winds along "the ridge" of the northernmost rim of the Alps between Kürnberg and Sonntagberg. On the one side, there's a 400-meter drop into the Danube valley which expands the panoramic view all the way to the horizon – and on the other side, mountain ranges rise like cascades into the sky. Both author and photographer think this landmark in the Lower Austrian Mostviertel is the final scenic seduction.
“Die schönste Landschaft der Welt” (The most beautiful landscape in the world) is the third book of the series “Visual Poetry” after “Copacabana Palace” and “Up to the Horizon”. With this series, Edition Lammerhuber pays tribute to the work of those photographers who are able to radiate emotion and sensuality with their imagery enabling them to create a very special atmosphere for the reader beyond the narrative of the respective story.
EVELYN SCHLAG, born in Waidhofen, writes lyrics, prose and essays. For her work, she was awarded numerous prizes, and most recently won the Austrian Art Prize for Literature in 2015. She has a strong empathic relationship with the world which she describes. She simply lets the language talk and keeps words on a long leash. The result is carefree use of language itself that surprises and seduces.
LOIS LAMMERHUBER was born in St. Peter in the Au. He was chosen as the best photographer in the world three times, and has been a member of the Art Directors Club New York since 1994. In 2014, he was awarded the Austrian First Class Cross of Honor for Science and Art.
DIE SCHÖNSTE LANDSCHAFT DER WELT (The Most Beautiful Landscape in the World). Lois Lammerhuber, Evelyn Schlag . 29.5 × 30.5 cm
, 252 pages, 131 ills, German. Hardcover, bound in linen, French fold jacket . ISBN 978-3-903101-21-0
€ 59.00 .