News // 5 News by Philipp und Keuntje GmbH

featured by Jonathan Schule : Digital Extras - JONATHAN SCHULE photographs the campaign for MERCEDES-BENZ for the add-ons that are so indispensable today

At MERCEDES-BENZ you will find 'digital extras' for remote, navigation, charging, GUARD 360° and entertainment. They are either included in your package when you buy your new car - or you can easily purchase them later via the me Store.

To promote the smart service, JONATHAN SCHULE photographed the campaign shown here on behalf of the agency Philipp und Keuntje.

An important theme of the campaign isthat this is not just a gimmick but actively supports you, for example, in maintaining your vehicle. Classic refueling, electric charging stations, maintenance, .... all of this is increasingly digitally networked and elegantly controlled via your cell phone.

The production was organized and implemented in close cooperation with SEVERIN WENDELER.
13.11.2024 show complete article