News // 5 News by Stephanie Franzius
Johannes MINK c/o KLAUS STIEGEMEYER photographed atmospheric portraits for Lufthansa on behalf of the advertising agency DDB. The creation was carried out by the ADs Kathrin Thölke and Janina Janzen, Creative Director was Judith Safavi-Hir, Creative Lead International DDB. We show you the people motifs produced with c/o Wunder here at GoSee.News.
With the A320 and A380 models, Lufthansa promises a top-class travel experience - with plenty of room to dream. The Airbus A380 in particular, the largest passenger aircraft in the world, is back in the skies after a break of almost three years. The popular Airbus A380 is now ready to take passengers to their dream destinations.
And: meet the Hamburg representative KLAUS STIEGEMEIER as an exhibitor at UPDATE-25-BERLIN in 2025. May 16, 2025 at the Telegraphenamt, Berlin-Mitte. Please note - and come !
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The TONIEBOX or TONIES offer endless interactive listening fun without bright screens, scratched CDs or complicated controls. Piet Truhlar photographed the current motifs with cheerful little talents. The production partner for the shoot in Spain was GoSee member IMAGE NATION.
With their music and radio play boxes for children, founders Marcus Stahl and Patric Faßbender are writing a success story straight out of a book. First the two Rhinelanders conquered German children's rooms with their Toniebox, then they went to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, followed by expansion into the USA.
The Toniebox was specially developed for children aged 3 and over and is a great companion for independent play. The controls are tailored to small listeners (and small hands) so that children can easily adjust the volume, fast-forward, rewind and change stories themselves.
The styling was done by Stephanie Franzius, hair and make-up by Arabel Decker.
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Photographer Johannes Kühn c/o KLAUS STIEGEMEYER
Production Shelter Productions GmbH
Post Production vividgrey
Styling Stephanie Franzius
Hair & Makeup Mby c/o basics berlin
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