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Update on UPDATE-22-BERLIN – 25 May, 2022 – Save the Date !
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We would like to take the opportunity to give you a quick update : At the moment, we’re more than busy with booth bookings. Up until now, we’ve chalked up a good 40 exhibitors from Paris, Stockholm, London, the US, Austria, the Netherlands and, of course, Germany on the yea side. We’re still awaiting confirmation from at least 10 agencies with whom we’re currently in touch, so that we can now already count on at least 50 exhibitors.

In terms of visitors, the response has been just as positive. Fashion, advertising, producers, … it’s going to be colorful. If you’re now spontaneously interested in booking a booth, then please send us an email to : update@update.salon

There’s just one favor we’d like to ask : Please spread the news about GoSeeAWARDS.com, so that it too will be a complete success. We only have one category this year : “BEAUTY in EVERYTHING” – in other words, submit what you think is beautiful. It’s ultimately all about inspiration, other perspectives, new works. Very free – just the way we like it. We’re curious ! Deadline : 1 May, 2022.

We hope to see you all in Berlin !

GoSee : UPDATE.Salon  & GoSeeAWARDS.com

SOURCE : BestAgeModels