Still a good three months to go until UPDATE-24-BERLIN – and already more than 30 exhibitors have confirmed. We’re looking forward to our annual GoSee event now more than ever … to all the exhibitors, visitors from the areas of AB, AD, CD, direct clients, … and have added a day in 2024 specifically for photographers and solo artists.
That’s right : in 2024, our event is taking place on two days : Thursdays, as always, exclusively for trade visitors; Fridays, then also open to trade visitors plus photographers, stylists, producers, … accredited by GoSee.
The idea : we want to slow things down a bit and take more quality time for each other – to enjoy the salon even more. And we hope you are with us.
You can register on the website : www.UPDATE.Salon
That’s right : in 2024, our event is taking place on two days : Thursdays, as always, exclusively for trade visitors; Fridays, then also open to trade visitors plus photographers, stylists, producers, … accredited by GoSee.
The idea : we want to slow things down a bit and take more quality time for each other – to enjoy the salon even more. And we hope you are with us.
You can register on the website : www.UPDATE.Salon