Warsaw Creatives / Pawel Walicki

Production Services, Talents, Events

Photo Prod

Warsaw Creatives / Pawel Walicki

Production Services, Talents, Events

Photo Prod

Elektoralna 4/6 Street appt 71, PL, 00139, Warsaw Warsaw


Warsaw Creatives is a first Poland-based creative and production agency offering creative and consultancy services exclusively to fashion and luxury brands. With the years of experience on the global market, and top supplies network, we provide unique combination of international la ...moreor standards with advantageous production budget of fast growing Central-Eastern market.

Paweł Walicki Based in Warsaw since 2003, independent agent and photo producer for many of Poland‘s largest magazines and fashion brands including InStyle, Viva!, Reserved, Vistula. He gained experience working as an assistant and co-producer on the largest assignments of the prestigious New York agency North 6, Management+Artists and M.A.P.

Sonia Adamczak photo producer and agent for an elite photographic agency 2b Management and Berlin creative agency Mario Lombardo. Previously associated with well known casting and photographic agencies Marek and Associates, Michele Filomeno, Natalie Joos Casting and The Establishment.

Asia Sobierajska Based in Warsaw since 2003, producer and production coordinator on major national and international events for international event agency Imagine Live Media and previously associated with media (Valkea Media, Bauer) and advertising agencies (Communication Unlimited).


Warsaw Creatives to pierwsza w Polsce agencje kreatywna oferująca usługi z zakresu reklamy, kreacji i doradztwa wyłącznie dla marek modowych, kosmetycznych i luksusowych. Bazując na wieloletnim doświadczeniu z markami modowymi na rynku polskim, świadcząc usługi dla światowych brandów oraz bazując na szeregu podwykonawców jesteśmy w stanie zapewnić klientom w Polsce unikalne połączenie międzynarodowych standardów pracy z realnym budżetem.

Paweł Walicki mieszkający w Warszawie agent i producent pracujący dla największych w Polsce magazynów i marek modowych jak InStyle, Viva! Reserved czy Vistula. Doświaczenie zdobywał pracując jako asystent lub koordynator przy najbardziej prestiżowych sesjach zdjęciowych dla najlepszych domów produkcyjnych i agencji fotografów w Nowym Jorku jak North 6, Management + Artists, czy M.A.P.

Sonia Adamczak producent i agent pracująca dla prestiżowej agencji fotografów 2b Management oraz producent agencji Mario w Berlinie. Wcześniej związana ze znanymi agencjami castingowymi i fotograficznymi jak Marek and Associates, Michele Filomeno, Natalie Joos Casting oraz The Establishment.

Asia Sobierajska mieszkająca w Warszawie producentka lokalnych i międzynarodowych eventów dla agencji Imagine Live Media. Wcześniej związana z mediami (Valkea Media, Bauer) i agencjami reklamowymi (Communication Unlimited). (show less)

REFERENCES of Warsaw Creatives / Pawel Walicki

reference by : Claas Cropp Creative Productio
// show credits Production: Claas Cropp Creative Productions
Photographer: Anna-Rosa Krau
reference by : Claas Cropp Creative Productio
// show credits Production: Claas Cropp Creative Productions
Photographer: Anna-Rosa Krau
reference by : Claas Cropp Creative Productio
// show credits Production: Claas Cropp Creative Productions
Photographer: Anna-Rosa Krau
reference by : Claas Cropp Creative Productio
// show credits Production: Claas Cropp Creative Productions
Photographer: Anna-Rosa Krau
reference by : Claas Cropp Creative Productio
// show credits Production: Claas Cropp Creative Productions
Photographer: Anna-Rosa Krau
reference by : Claas Cropp Creative Productio
// show credits Production: Claas Cropp Creative Productions
Photographer: Anna-Rosa Krau
reference by : Claas Cropp Creative Productio
// show credits Production: Claas Cropp Creative Productions
Photographer: Anna-Rosa Krau
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: SEZON Magazine
Styling: Magda Jagnicka
Hair: Gor Duryan
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Magdalena Jasek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Viva! Moda
Production: Paulina Aleksiejuk
Styling: Agnieszka Ścibior
Hair: Kacper Rączkowski
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tyślerowicz, Michał Ruff
Model: Emilia Nawarecka
Model2: Maja Salamon
Model3: Agnieszka Maciołek
Model4: Agnieszka Rzezinowska & Klaudia Szczepanek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
Photo Assistant: Łukasz Kuś
Retouch: Final Touch
Probs: Vitra
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Viva! Moda
Production: Paulina Aleksiejuk
Styling: Agnieszka Ścibior
Hair: Kacper Rączkowski
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tyślerowicz, Michał Ruff
Model: Emilia Nawarecka
Model2: Maja Salamon
Model3: Agnieszka Maciołek
Model4: Agnieszka Rzezinowska & Klaudia Szczepanek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
Photo Assistant: Łukasz Kuś
Retouch: Final Touch
Probs: Vitra
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Viva! Moda
Production: Paulina Aleksiejuk
Styling: Agnieszka Ścibior
Hair: Kacper Rączkowski
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tyślerowicz, Michał Ruff
Model: Emilia Nawarecka
Model2: Maja Salamon
Model3: Agnieszka Maciołek
Model4: Agnieszka Rzezinowska & Klaudia Szczepanek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
Photo Assistant: Łukasz Kuś
Retouch: Final Touch
Probs: Vitra
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Viva! Moda
Production: Paulina Aleksiejuk
Styling: Agnieszka Ścibior
Hair: Kacper Rączkowski
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tyślerowicz, Michał Ruff
Model: Emilia Nawarecka
Model2: Maja Salamon
Model3: Agnieszka Maciołek
Model4: Agnieszka Rzezinowska & Klaudia Szczepanek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
Photo Assistant: Łukasz Kuś
Retouch: Final Touch
Probs: Vitra
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Viva! Moda
Production: Paulina Aleksiejuk
Styling: Agnieszka Ścibior
Hair: Kacper Rączkowski
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tyślerowicz, Michał Ruff
Model: Emilia Nawarecka
Model2: Maja Salamon
Model3: Agnieszka Maciołek
Model4: Agnieszka Rzezinowska & Klaudia Szczepanek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
Photo Assistant: Łukasz Kuś
Retouch: Final Touch
Probs: Vitra
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Viva! Moda
Production: Paulina Aleksiejuk
Styling: Agnieszka Ścibior
Hair: Kacper Rączkowski
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tyślerowicz, Michał Ruff
Model: Emilia Nawarecka
Model2: Maja Salamon
Model3: Agnieszka Maciołek
Model4: Agnieszka Rzezinowska & Klaudia Szczepanek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
Photo Assistant: Łukasz Kuś
Retouch: Final Touch
Probs: Vitra
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Viva! Moda
Production: Paulina Aleksiejuk
Styling: Agnieszka Ścibior
Hair: Kacper Rączkowski
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tyślerowicz, Michał Ruff
Model: Emilia Nawarecka
Model2: Maja Salamon
Model3: Agnieszka Maciołek
Model4: Agnieszka Rzezinowska & Klaudia Szczepanek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
Photo Assistant: Łukasz Kuś
Retouch: Final Touch
Probs: Vitra
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Viva! Moda
Production: Paulina Aleksiejuk
Styling: Agnieszka Ścibior
Hair: Kacper Rączkowski
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tyślerowicz, Michał Ruff
Model: Emilia Nawarecka
Model2: Maja Salamon
Model3: Agnieszka Maciołek
Model4: Agnieszka Rzezinowska & Klaudia Szczepanek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
Photo Assistant: Łukasz Kuś
Retouch: Final Touch
Probs: Vitra
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Viva! Moda
Production: Paulina Aleksiejuk
Styling: Agnieszka Ścibior
Hair: Kacper Rączkowski
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tyślerowicz, Michał Ruff
Model: Emilia Nawarecka
Model2: Maja Salamon
Model3: Agnieszka Maciołek
Model4: Agnieszka Rzezinowska & Klaudia Szczepanek
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
Photo Assistant: Łukasz Kuś
Retouch: Final Touch
Probs: Vitra
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Ewelina Gralak
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Gosia Sulima c/o AFPhoto
Model: Olga Nowotarska | AS Management, Karolina Warzecha | MILK
Local Producer: Orlando Lazaro Ortega Zulueta
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Ewelina Gralak
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Gosia Sulima c/o AFPhoto
Model: Olga Nowotarska | AS Management, Karolina Warzecha | MILK
Local Producer: Orlando Lazaro Ortega Zulueta
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Ewelina Gralak
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Gosia Sulima c/o AFPhoto
Model: Olga Nowotarska | AS Management, Karolina Warzecha | MILK
Local Producer: Orlando Lazaro Ortega Zulueta
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Ewelina Gralak
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Gosia Sulima c/o AFPhoto
Model: Olga Nowotarska | AS Management, Karolina Warzecha | MILK
Local Producer: Orlando Lazaro Ortega Zulueta
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Ewelina Gralak
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Gosia Sulima c/o AFPhoto
Model: Olga Nowotarska | AS Management, Karolina Warzecha | MILK
Local Producer: Orlando Lazaro Ortega Zulueta
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Ewelina Gralak
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Gosia Sulima c/o AFPhoto
Model: Olga Nowotarska | AS Management, Karolina Warzecha | MILK
Local Producer: Orlando Lazaro Ortega Zulueta
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Ewelina Gralak
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Gosia Sulima c/o AFPhoto
Model: Olga Nowotarska | AS Management, Karolina Warzecha | MILK
Local Producer: Orlando Lazaro Ortega Zulueta
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Anna Poniewierska
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Alicja Tubilewicz
Photographer: MAGDA WUNSCHE & AGA SAMSEL c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Anna Poniewierska
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Alicja Tubilewicz
Photographer: MAGDA WUNSCHE & AGA SAMSEL c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Anna Poniewierska
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Alicja Tubilewicz
Photographer: MAGDA WUNSCHE & AGA SAMSEL c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Anna Poniewierska
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Alicja Tubilewicz
Photographer: MAGDA WUNSCHE & AGA SAMSEL c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Anna Poniewierska
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Alicja Tubilewicz
Photographer: MAGDA WUNSCHE & AGA SAMSEL c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Anna Poniewierska
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Alicja Tubilewicz
Photographer: MAGDA WUNSCHE & AGA SAMSEL c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: AFPhoto
Styling: Anna Poniewierska
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Alicja Tubilewicz
Photographer: MAGDA WUNSCHE & AGA SAMSEL c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek
Styling: Michal Kus
Location: Mauritius
Model: Isha Blaaker | Soul Artist Management
Model2: Clara Alonso | Storm
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Service Production: SA Media Productions, Susan Anderson
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Magda Butrym
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Usage: Lookbook SS'16
Art Director: Jola Aerts
Styling: Zuza Stępień
Hair: Michał Bielecki /Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson /Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Witalis
Model: Riley Montana
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Magda Butrym
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Usage: Lookbook SS'16
Art Director: Jola Aerts
Styling: Zuza Stępień
Hair: Michał Bielecki /Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson /Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Witalis
Model: Riley Montana
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Magda Butrym
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Usage: Lookbook SS'16
Art Director: Jola Aerts
Styling: Zuza Stępień
Hair: Michał Bielecki /Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson /Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Witalis
Model: Riley Montana
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Magda Butrym
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Usage: Lookbook SS'16
Art Director: Jola Aerts
Styling: Zuza Stępień
Hair: Michał Bielecki /Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson /Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Witalis
Model: Riley Montana
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Magda Butrym
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Usage: Lookbook SS'16
Art Director: Jola Aerts
Styling: Zuza Stępień
Hair: Michał Bielecki /Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson /Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Witalis
Model: Riley Montana
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Magda Butrym
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Usage: Lookbook SS'16
Art Director: Jola Aerts
Styling: Zuza Stępień
Hair: Michał Bielecki /Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson /Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Witalis
Model: Riley Montana
Photographer: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Production: Brynhildur Birgisdottir | Pegasus Pictures
Producer: Warsaw Creatives
Music: "Whisper" by Andrew Montgomery, Huw Williams (Upright Music)
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Iceland
Model: Lulu Leika Liep | Scoop Models
Model2: Orri | Eskimo Models
2nd camera: Marcin Morawicki
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Production: Brynhildur Birgisdottir | Pegasus Pictures
Producer: Warsaw Creatives
Music: "Whisper" by Andrew Montgomery, Huw Williams (Upright Music)
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Iceland
Model: Lulu Leika Liep | Scoop Models
Model2: Orri | Eskimo Models
2nd camera: Marcin Morawicki
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Production: Brynhildur Birgisdottir | Pegasus Pictures
Producer: Warsaw Creatives
Music: "Whisper" by Andrew Montgomery, Huw Williams (Upright Music)
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Iceland
Model: Lulu Leika Liep | Scoop Models
Model2: Orri | Eskimo Models
2nd camera: Marcin Morawicki
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Production: Brynhildur Birgisdottir | Pegasus Pictures
Producer: Warsaw Creatives
Music: "Whisper" by Andrew Montgomery, Huw Williams (Upright Music)
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Iceland
Model: Lulu Leika Liep | Scoop Models
Model2: Orri | Eskimo Models
2nd camera: Marcin Morawicki
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Production: Brynhildur Birgisdottir | Pegasus Pictures
Producer: Warsaw Creatives
Music: "Whisper" by Andrew Montgomery, Huw Williams (Upright Music)
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Iceland
Model: Lulu Leika Liep | Scoop Models
Model2: Orri | Eskimo Models
2nd camera: Marcin Morawicki
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
DOP: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Usage: Swimwear S/S 2015
Art Director: Adam Babinek / LPP
Editing: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Post Production: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs / USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio c/o Kult Models
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
DOP: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Usage: Swimwear S/S 2015
Art Director: Adam Babinek / LPP
Editing: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Post Production: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs / USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio c/o Kult Models
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio c/o Kult Models
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
DOP: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Usage: Swimwear S/S 2015
Art Director: Adam Babinek / LPP
Editing: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Post Production: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs / USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio c/o Kult Models
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio c/o Kult Models
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio c/o Kult Models
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio c/o Kult Models
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio c/o Kult Models
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Director: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
DOP: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Art Director: Adam Babinek / LPP
Editing: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Post Production: Bart Pogoda c/o AFPhoto
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: palm springs / USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio | Kult
Model2: Matilda / Two Management
free1title: Swimwear SS'15
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio / Kult
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Matilda / Two Management
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Matilda | Two Management
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio / Kult
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Matilda | Two Management
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Matilda | Two Management
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Matilda | Two Management
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Matilda | Two Management
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Matilda | Two Management
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio / Kult
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Matilda | Two Management
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio / Kult
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved LPP
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Post Production: Final Touch
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Michal BIELECKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Location: Palm Springs /USA
Model: Kevin Sampaio / Kult
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
free1title: Swimwear
reference by : Patricia McMahon
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Hair: Daniel Martin c/o D&V
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tavani c/o Patricia McMahon
Model: Brooklyn Beckham
Photographer: Kacper Kasprzyk c/o Total Management
reference by : Patricia McMahon
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Hair: Daniel Martin c/o D&V
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Set Design: Anna Tavani c/o Patricia McMahon
Model: Brooklyn Beckham
Photographer: Kacper Kasprzyk c/o Total Management
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Client: Reserved
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : SameSame Agency
// show credits Production: Warsaw Creatives
Styling: Karin SMEDS c/o LinkDetails
Hair: Daniel Martin
Make-up: Wilson c/o Warsaw Creatives
Model: Georgia May Jagger
Photographer: Mateusz Stankiewicz c/o AFPhoto
reference by : Warsaw Creatives
// show credits Client: The Last Magazine
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Hair: Bok-Hee
Make-up: Niki M’Nray
Model: Karlie Kloss
Photographer: Maciek KOBIELSKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Manicure : Katherin Hill
reference by : Warsaw Creatives
// show credits Client: The Last Magazine
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Hair: Bok-Hee
Make-up: Niki M’Nray
Model: Karlie Kloss
Photographer: Maciek KOBIELSKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Manicure : Katherin Hill
reference by : Warsaw Creatives
// show credits Client: The Last Magazine
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Hair: Bok-Hee
Make-up: Niki M’Nray
Model: Karlie Kloss
Photographer: Maciek KOBIELSKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Manicure : Katherin Hill
reference by : Warsaw Creatives
// show credits Client: The Last Magazine
Production: Warsaw Creatives
Hair: Bok-Hee
Make-up: Niki M’Nray
Model: Karlie Kloss
Photographer: Maciek KOBIELSKI c/o Warsaw Creatives
Manicure : Katherin Hill